Norwegian pancakes with strawberry jam
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. sugar
  • 500 ml milk
  • Add flour to add some thickness.
  • 300 g of frozen strawberries
  • 130 g of sugar
  • A few tbsp. of water
  1. PANCAKES: Mix all the ingredients together and add flour. I used about 7 tbsp. of flour (the batter should be quite thin). Heat a frying pan with some butter. Add more flour if the first pancake is difficult to flip.
  2. Serve with jam or cheese. In the pictures I used homemade strawberry jam.
  3. STRAWBERRY JAM: Put the ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil. Boil until the sugar has dissolved. This should only take a few minutes. Let it cool in the fridge.
  4. If you would like to make a healthier version you could substitute the sugar for a sweetener instead.
Recipe by Dear November at